Yes, a meta-reference. This portfolio is developed on nextJS. It features SEO management, CICD through vercel and native nextJS Server Side Rendering.
Mazmo CasinoMazmo is a social network which has an internal currency. I made a casino that integrates with its chat-webhooks and iframe to provide a really homogeneous experience, like if it was a feature of mazmo itself.
The frontend is developed on reactJS and the server is running on nodeJS.
Automatic sprinklersThe frontend is developed on reactJS and the server is running on nodeJS.
This app, developed on vueJS and nodeJS, is an IoT project which I use to water my lawn automatically. It features Google-SSO, SocketIO to connect from a cloud server to the raspberry at home and cron jobs to turn on the sprinklers.
This section is a WIP, more details on the projects and more responsiveness coming soon